出 版︰經濟日報出版社
作 者 / 編 者︰譚睿朗 / 香港科創教育協會
定 價︰ HK$ 166.0
折扣:會員優惠 : 75折
折實價:HK$ 124.5
頁 數︰ 116頁
出 版 年 份︰2019-05


《資訊科技新思維──從micro:bit 開始》套裝教材(課本+工作紙)
作者:譚睿朗 / 香港科創教育協會


The micro:bit has now spread around the world and is available in over 50 countries with national scale projects in Singapore, Denmark, Croatia, Canada to name but a few.
The success of BBC micro:bit is not just down to the innovative hardware device though. It’s the micro:bit ecosystem that makes micro:bit such a great tool for educators, children and anyone interested in using tech in inventive and fun ways! 
Our ecosystem consists of the hardware, peripherals and our great editors. There are also loads of amazing projects, lessons and fun ideas that are freely available online as well as vibrant communities of enthusiasts. But the most important component of our ecosystem is the people that use it.
So, thank you for picking up this book. We at the Micro:bit Educational Foundation wish you good luck on your micro:bit journey!
The Micro:bit Educational Foundation



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