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出 版︰Hong Kong Econnomic Times Limited
作 者 / 編 者︰Maggie Wong
定 價︰ HK$ 38.0
折扣:八五折(15% OFF)
折實價:HK$ 32.3
頁 數︰ 80 頁
出 版 年 份︰ 2010
A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life is a collection of 24 short stories told from the point of view of everyday objects, including a dictionary, feather duster and salmon sushi! It caters to the interests of young Hong Kong readers. It stimulates youngsters’ imagination and creativity, encouraging them to see things from a different angle. 

The stories are divided into four sections: I have secrets to tell, I have complaints to make, I have stories to share and I have questions to ask. In addition to interesting reading materials, the book includes vocabulary glossaries which help readers build an extensive vocabulary base. After each section, there are fun games in different formats which help to consolidate young learners’ knowledge. 

A Day in the Life is a handy story book that provides stimulating reading resources as well as supplementary exercises. It is a delightful book for youngsters whose imagination runs wild all the time.


