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出 版︰Hong Kong Econnomic Times Limited
作 者 / 編 者︰Gary Lai
定 價︰ HK$ 60.0
折扣:八五折(15% OFF)
折實價:HK$ 51.0
頁 數︰ 172 頁
出 版 年 份︰ 2011
《Go around the Globe》

Go around the Globe is a visa of sorts - a visa that gives you access to a wide range of 'travel English'. This extensive reading resource broadens your hoizons by showcasing world cultures with 40 engrossing articles, feasting your senses on picturesque scenery, culinary treats, thrilling adventures, profound history, real-life stories and local folklore.

This invaluable reading resource also encompasses handy vocabulary glossaries (Vocab Visa), country facts (Globetrotter's Guide) and challenging crossword puzzles (Layover Leisure). The content is diversified, stimulating and fun. And most importantly, no hectic layovers - you can just sit back, relax and enjoy the long-haul journey... at home.

Craving to learn vocabulary?

Vocab Visa summarises all the useful vocabulary items in the articles.

Eager to know more about the country?

Globetrotter's Guide provides important first-hand information about many countries, covering population, languages, currency, religions, prime seasons and main attractions.

Bored by layovers taking too long?

Layover Leisure ensures you are occupied not with waiting around endlessly, but with fun and intriguing crossword puzzles in eight formats.

Go around the Globe can be a helpful companion offering you extensive reading, English vocabulary-building, and a great stimulant for your globetrotting imagination!

And so the journey begins. Have a good trip! 
