Forget Password
出 版︰Hong Kong Economic Times Limited
作 者 / 編 者︰ET-Education Editorial Team
定 價︰ HK$ 58.0
折實價:HK$ 49.3
頁 數︰ 74 頁
出 版 年 份︰ 2012-11
The Best of ES Junior

This book is a collection of 30 articles which are categorized into five themes that: 
.Cater to interests of young Hong Kong readers;
.Encourage young readers to put themselves in the shoes of influential people and get inspired;
.Widen teenagers??horizons by illustrating the great features of our world;
.Give advices to youngsters on tackling the problems they may encounter everyday
.Stimulate young people's imagination and creativity;
.Help readers build extensive vocabulary base.
