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出 版︰經濟日報出版社
作 者 / 編 者︰Dable Kwan
定 價︰ HK$ 98.0
折扣:25% off
折實價:HK$ 73.5
頁 數︰ 140 頁
出 版 年 份︰ 2017-06

Book Introduction 

- 50 recipes tailor made for oil-free Air fryer. 

- The book has six chapters, from light food, small fried, leftovers, baked spots, dessert, and all-round care of your diet and banquet needs.

- Bilingual with cooking tips.

About the Author

Dable KwanDable's venture into the wonderful world of airfrying started in 2011 when she received a Philips Airfryer as a gift. Over the past six years, her facebook page 'I Love Philips Airfryer'has accumulated more than 70,000 fans around the world. She has also been invited by Philips to Singapore, Shanghai, and Netherlands etc., to participate in seminars sharing the experience of airfryer cooking.

In 2014, Dable published her first book on Philips Airfryer 'Let’s FRY In the Air'. In the subsequent year 2015, she, who loves cooking, eating, studying and sharing, launched her second cookbook '100 Likes Be My Guest' introducing her personal creative dishes to the public. Last year 2016, she was admitted to the class of the 'Institut Culinaire Disciples Escoffier', and honored with the 'Grand Diploma of Culinary Arts', a professional French cooking diploma.

