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出 版︰ET Press
作 者 / 編 者︰Christine Ho
定 價︰ HK$ 138.0
折扣:Member discount 15% off
折實價:HK$ 117.3
頁 數︰ 288 頁
出 版 年 份︰ 2015-12
《Easy Recipes 2: A Selection of Beloved Recipes》

Easy recipes! Cooking for your beloved! Enjoy everyday!

.A selection of 58 beloved and delicious recipes, including appetizers, breakfast, main dish, soup, cake, dessert and bread etc.

.To use the simple way to help recreate the traditional, homey and tasty dishes.

.Introduce 7 basic cooking skills.

.Share 3 tips on “how to mak congee and soup”.

.Each recipes consists of a attractive color photograph of the finished dish, how-to photos and cooking tips.

.It’s written in Chinese-English, with clear, easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions. 

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About the author:


Christine Ho was born and raised in Hong Kong but has since been living in Australia for over 20 years. Because of this mix of cultures, she has developed a deep love and appreciation for both Chinese and Western cuisine. She enjoys sharing the “easy recipes” with others.

The Facebook page set up by her has already exceeded 520,000 “likes”. Thousands of people have tried the recipes successfully. Most of them like to share their dish pictures on Facebook too.

Her first book, Easy Recipes: A Selection of Simple Classics, has already reprinted 40 times and sold in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Mayalasia even The U.S. and Canada.


 ag: 聖誕Mini Cookbook

 《Easy Recipes - A Selection of Simple Classics》book info



