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出 版︰iUniverse
作 者 / 編 者︰Clifford Sherry
定 價︰ HK$ 338.0
頁 數︰ 460 頁
出 版 年 份︰ 2004
The New Science of Technical Analysis: Using the Statistical Techniques of Neuroscience to Uncover O

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The genesis for The New Science of Technical Analysis began in the unlikeliest of places: the field of Neuroscience. As Dr. Sherry describes, neuroscientists long held that the output of neurons in the central nervous system is an example of a random walk. Dr. Sherry, believing otherwise, created a series of statistical tests that demonstrated that the neuronal output had discernible patterns. Dr. Sherry began applying his findings to another reputedly random process: the financial markets.

