出 版︰經濟日報出版社
作 者 / 編 者︰Ning Xiangdong 寧向東
定 價︰ HK$ 188.0
折扣:會員優惠 : 88折
折實價:HK$ 165.4
頁 數︰ 416頁
出 版 年 份︰2018-04


《FAMILY SPIRIT - The Power behind the Inheritance of Lee Kum Kee through the Centuries》
作者:Ning Xiangdong 寧向東



From a historical perspective, family spirit has equipped Lee Kum Kee to successfully survive and prosper through a hundred turbulent years, riding over innumerous obstacles, including two family separations, to be the global ethnic brand that it is today.
Such spirit has become the Lee Kum Kee family treasure and the common belief of family members. Indeed, it is this spirit which provides the behavioral guide for future generations. Through enhancement over generations, the family spirit will be the foundation and safeguard of the sustainability of the family. 
Such a family spirit can also be the reference and inspiration for other families and the community at large, and that the related principles and regulations can facilitate the development of other families, and consequently drive the progress and harmony of society towards sustainable development.
Today, the vision of the Lee Kum Kee family is "perpetuating the Lee Kum Kee family over generations, representing the ethnic Chinese to make history, and being a role model for family enterprises". This is the common dream of the family, and indeed has a very important meaning. "Family sustainability" will lead to harmonious development of society; "representing the ethnic Chinese to make history" will magnify the meaning and value of sustainability; and "being a role model for family enterprises" requires us to grow stronger and stronger, generation after generation.  


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