出 版︰經濟日報出版社
作 者 / 編 者︰Wave Chow
定 價︰ HK$ 148.0
折扣:會員優惠 : 88折
折實價:HK$ 130.2
頁 數︰ 224頁
出 版 年 份︰2019-03


Riding the Wave – The Key to Building a 100% MDRT Team
作者:Wave Chow


The book details the team management challenges that Wave has encountered over the years. I believe that every team manager in the insurance industry must feel the same wi
th these challenges and hardships.

Mr Alwin Lam
Honorary Chairman of AIA Hong Kong and Macau

Wave shared his experiences about how he subtly turned a family's opposition into support by asking a few questions. Besides, he also introduced his original "Eight-Step Move", "Seven-part DOOPARS", "5A Evaluation Method" and so on, which are practical.

Mr Kanki Lam
Senior District Director, AIA Hong Kong

This book not only teaches people to build an insurance team, but is also about business cheats and the philosophy of life. So, in addition to insurance practitioners, anyone who wants to make a difference in their careers should read this book. 

Dr FrankieYeung, BBS, MH, JP
Member, Performing Arts Committee (West Kowloon Cultural Authority)

I sincerely recommend this book to all practitioners in the insurance industry. There isn't much self-promotion in this book, but it describes in detail how the author started at the bottom then climbed to the top of the industry to create a 100% MDRT team that is strong and invincible. 

Mr Tan Kar Hor
The founder of Life Connection Training Consultancy and Chairman of CIA 500


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