出 版︰McGraw-Hill; 1st Edition
作 者 / 編 者︰Michael Watkins
定 價︰ HK$ 299.5
頁 數︰ 0頁
出 版 年 份︰/


The First 90 Days
作者:Michael Watkins


A short, concise, hands-on manual for managers at all levels - a handbook for a leader's first 90 days in office.

- Lots of practical tools and questions for self-assessment
- Written in a friendly and accessible tone
- A broad-gauged coverage of many aspects and kinds of transitions at all levels
- New topics such as working with new bosses, building teams, and aligning the strategy, structure, systems and skills of organizations

Michael Watkins is an Associate Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School, where he does research on leadership and coalition building. He is the coauthor of Right from the Start: Taking Charge in a New Leadership Role (HBS Press, 1999), and the author of Leadership Transitions, an HBSP eLearning Program.


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